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Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold

Informationen zum Spiel


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Dieses Spiel herunterladen

Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Dateien zum Herunterladen aus.

Datei Details
  • blake-box.zip
  • ausführbare Datei: BLAKEWEB.BAT
  • configured for DOSBox

Vollversion des Spiels kaufen

Sie können die Vollversion von Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold aus den unten aufgeführten Download-Store(s) herunterladen. Wenn Sie ein Spiel kaufen, erhalten Sie nicht nur die Vollversion des Spiels, Sie unterstützen auch diese Seite. Für jeden Verkauf erhalten wir eine kleine Provision vom Download-Store, die uns hilft, diese kostenlose Website am Leben zu halten. Vielen Dank und viel Spaß!

Titel des Spiels Shop
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold: €1,59 (-€3,90) GOG.com


NOTE: This game can be played directly in Windows using a source port (please see the links section at the bottom of the page).


Was haltet Ihr von Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold? Bitte bewerten Sie das Spiel unten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wobei 1 die niedrigste und 10 die höchste Punktzahl ist.

Screenshots des Spiels


Prepare to put on your James Bond shoes in Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, a futuristic first-person shooter running on a slightly modified Wolfenstein 3D engine. The player controls Blake Stone, a special agent sent to thwart the plans of the deranged Dr. Pyrus Goldfire, a brilliant scientist bent on world domination. Goldfire is creating an army of mutant aliens to do his bidding, and Blake's mission is to stop him by shutting down the doctor's six installations, each comprising one episode with 11 levels.

Compared to Wolfenstein 3D, the game not only adds textured floors and ceilings, diminishing lighting and a more varied enemy roster, but also free movement between levels which represent different floors of the same building. That is, once you get a key and use the elevator to travel to the next level, you can go back to the one you've just completed at any time to pick up any useful items you might have left behind. Another novel feature is friendly NPCs in the form of Blake's sympathizers among Goldfire's tech staff, who will provide useful hints and items when approached by the player. However, other technicians are less friendly and will call the guards or even attack Blake themselves.

Aliens of Gold is a shareware game, and the entire first episode is available for free in the unregistered version.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble


First cheat: Press "J A M [Enter]" (press one key at a time). You'll get all the keys and your health will be refilled to 100%. Unfortunately your score will also be set to 0. This will only work on the registered version of the game.

The rest of the cheats require entering this special code on the command line (when you run the game): POWERBALL. This lets you use the 'debug keys'. Also, you have to hold down the left and right shift keys while the JAM Logo intro is showing. Staring holding them down when the white letters show up. Once you see the PC-13 screen, you can let go. You should hear a sound to let you know that it worked. After you complete these steps, the following cheats become available:

[Backspace] W: Warp to level
[Shift] W: Reloads the default map
[Backspace] D: Player invisible (dumb objects)
[Backspace] G: God mode
[Backspace] I: Item cheat
[Backspace] M: Memory info
[Backspace] P: Pause screen
[Backspace] Q: Fast quit
[Backspace] A: Add actors to auto mapper
[Backspace] U: Unlock all floors
[Backspace] O: Show hidden walls on auto mapper
[Backspace] E: Quick win mission
[Backspace] B: Border color
[Backspace] C: Count objects
[Backspace] F: Facing spot
[Backspace] H: Hurt self (only if not in God mode)
[Backspace] S: Slow motion
[Backspace] V: Extra VBLs (vertical blanking signal - this will do nothing for most users)
[Backspace] [Home]: Dec sky color (if ceiling textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [Pgup]: Inc sky color (if ceiling textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [End]: Dec ground color (if ground textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [Pgdn]: Inc ground color (if ground textures are OFF)
[Backspace] +: Add shading depth (if textures are OFF)
[Backspace] -: Dec shading depth (if textures are OFF)
[Backspace] ]: Inc shading drop off (if textures are OFF)
[Backspace] [: Dec shading drop off (if textures are OFF)
[Shift] [Tab]: Show full auto mapper containing all live actors
[6] [7]: Collect all bonus items (gold, ammo, health, etc.
[7] [8]: Kill all actors
[6] [8]: Collect all bonus items and kill all actors

Beschreibung von VGTips

Links zum Spiel

  • BStone (Blake Stone Windows port)

Screenshots des Spiels

Video zum Spiel von Ancient DOS Games