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Escape from Monster-Castle

Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Thomas Ehlers, Michael Rieck
Mehr Details:MobyGames

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Escape from Monster-Castle is an action game in the style of Gauntlet where you have to fight your way through assaulting enemies to get to the end of the level and finally escape the monster castle. The game can be played by up to 2 players. Each level has multiple connected floors. You control your character from a top-down view and can move and shoot in 8 directions. Enemies often spawn from monster heads. If you are hit by an enemy, your health goes down, but can be restored by collecting health packs. Keys have to be collected to continue your journey. There are many different enemies with different properties; most can be destroyed, but some cannot. In many cases, when you hit an enemy, it warps into a lesser form. There is also money to be collected, as are bombs, which can be deployed. The shareware version comes with 5 levels, whereas the full version comes with 25 levels and a level editor.

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