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Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

Informationen zum Spiel


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Dieses Spiel herunterladen

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Datei Details
  • tn_sfc-cd.zip
  • ausführbare Datei: TNWEB.BAT
  • CD demo (three levels)
  • tn_sfc.zip
  • Inklusive Installer
  • Internet demo (one level)

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Screenshots des Spiels


Terra Nova is a futuristic first-person shooter with tactical elements from the creators of System Shock. The player character is wearing a powered armour suit equipped with various weaponry, navigational systems and a jetpack. Many missions take place outside, in a fully 3D-rendered world, making this game more similar to a simulator than to traditional shooters in the vein of DOOM.

The story takes place in a distant future, where humans have colonised the Alpha Centauri system, but their prosperity is threatened by pirates and a conspiracy from the totalitarian Earth government. The plot is relayed through live-action cutscenes, and the single-player campaign spans multiple action-packed missions as the story unfolds.

There are two demo versions of this game, one of which was originally published on CDs and includes three missions, and the other was downloadable from the Looking Glass website and contained yet another single mission. All these scenarios are unique to the demo versions and are not found in the full game.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

Screenshots des Spiels

Video zum Spiel von Ancient DOS Games