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The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall

Informationen zum Spiel

Auch bekannt als: Daggerfall (informal title)
Entwickler: Bethesda Softworks
Herausgeber: Bethesda Softworks
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Gebundene Spiele: The Elder Scrolls, XnGine, Liberated (former commercial), Action RPG

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Datei Details
  • dagrfall.zip
  • Inklusive Installer
  • ausführbare Datei: DFCD/INSTALL.EXE

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This is a liberated game: it was originally commercial, but on 9 July 2009 Bethesda Softworks released the full version as freeware to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of The Elder Scrolls series.

The demo version includes a unique dungeon not found in the final game which serves as a good tutorial for beginner players. The demo also includes an electronic copy of the manual.


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Screenshots des Spiels


Daggerfall is the second chapter in the award-winning computer role playing series, The Elder Scrolls and surpasses the standard set by the first chapter, The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

Set in the unique world of Tamriel, The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall takes you on a special mission on behalf of the Emperor to quell a potential uprising in the royal court of Daggerfall. The player's participation in this major quest is not required: as in The Elder Scrolls: Arena, the player may choose to follow any path or career in the vast, beautiful, and dangerous world. If the player chooses to investigate the court of Daggerfall, stories of madness, unrequited love, dark sorcery, seduction, betrayal, and a plot to recreate a powerful force from thousands of years past will be revealed. It will be up to the player to help the side that should wield such a power, for the fate of Daggerfall and the Empire of Tamriel hang in the balance.

Beschreibung von Bethesda Softworks

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Screenshots des Spiels

Video zum Spiel von Ancient DOS Games