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Datei Details
  • apprentice.zip
  • ausführbare Datei: APP.EXE
  • original release (bug fixed)


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Apprentice is a humorous point-and-click adventure game about a young wizard's apprentice who is about to cast his first spell. However, he needs to collect some ingredients first, which the short game is all about.

Clearly inspired by adventure game classics like LucasArts' The Secret of the Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle, Apprentice features very good quality art and animations, and somewhat goofy, light-hearted humour. In spite of being short and not having a particularly intriguing plot, the game makes a solid impression of a consistent world, and the puzzles and character encounters all fit together into a continuous narrative.

Apprentice was created with Adventure Game Studio (AGS) and released as freeware, winning numerous AGS community awards. Later, in 2006, Herculean Effort released a Deluxe edition that adds dialogue voice-overs, improved animations, as well as translations into German, French, Portuguese and Hungarian. The game is intended to be played under Windows, with the DOS version a secondary option that does not support MP3 music playback.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

Screenshots des Spiels